
Showing posts from June, 2015

Painted paper project

The K-2 "Copy Cats!" class did a fun and easy project that started with painting paper. I discovered this idea from Patty Palmer at I LOVE HER WEBSITE!!! Use it all the time for inspiration, video "how-to's", and downloads. We used tempera paint on 12x18" white card stock. Each child painted one paper with blues, one with reds and one with yellows. We all did a few more, green and purple. The next session we cut out the paper in the shape of a bird, its beak, a tree, mountains, basically whatever the student wanted to go with his/her bird.


Hello Friends, I know, I know, I've been MIA. I'm back. Sitting on the couch, convalescing from a herniated disc, I finally have time to update my blog. There will probably be several posts to display and explain different art projects that I've taught my students this past school year. Stay tuned.