
Showing posts from 2012

Andrew was awarded: BEST TREE EVER! Award


Watercolor Class

I'm teaching Jr.& Sr. High homeschool students watercolor painting once a week. We had two weeks off due to Abi's school schedule so I had them do an assignment to duplicate a painting demonstration from a watercolor book. They ALL did a great job.

Submitted for Hope Women's Center Auction

I abandoned the paintings I started for this and opted to submit two older watercolor paintings and an abstract acrylic painting that I had been working on.

Abstract acrylic painting: attempt #1

Stay tuned. I will try again.

A new project

I am a contributing artist for the Hope Women's Center Created by Hope Fundraising Night. Created By Hope is a collaborative exhibit of naïve and professional art to support at-risk women and teen girls and is the 2012 premier fundraising event to further the mission and vision of Hope Women’s Center. This is one of the pieces I'm painting. It will be two paintings. I composed it from photos I had taken a few years back at Matthaei Botanical Gardens in Ann Arbor, MI.

Art Classes Start Tomorrow

...and frankly, I'm petrified. I will be teaching 3 classes this semester. Two I've done for the past 2 years: Art of the Masters- an elementary art class and Watercolor for high schoolers. Those, I expect, will go well. The third and newest class is acrylic painting with middle schoolers. I will have 8 students, 2 more than I should have taken and we are the last class of the day. I sure hope they have fun and learn something in the process. Let the games begin (or the painting begin...). More later.

Bruce Marion Workshop

Spent 6 hours Saturday and 6 hours Sunday at Bruce Marion's studio doing a "Breakthrough" workshop. Painting abstract acrylics. It was so fun, challenging and interesting!! I will post a link to all the photos soon. This was one of the paintings "I" did. I got a lot of help from Bruce and his sweet and talented wife, Lee.

Abstract Acrylic Pouring Workshop

I attended a workshop yesterday at the Arizona Art Supply store in Phoenix. Very fun! This is one of my creations. The other one has already been gessoed over. I need a title and frame idea.The painting could be flipped in any direction.

Bluebird & Redbud

This is for a sweet new baby. My favorite bird and favorite tree - how I miss Spring in Michigan! Acrylic on wrapped canvas.

The Set


All four go together... what do you think?

Oops, sideways.

nursery paintings

These are for Nikki's baby Kendall's room.

New painting

Acrylic painting, part of a set for a friend's nursery.

December paintings

Did this painting in December. Sorry for the poor photo. I need to update this blog more often. I hope to get some photos of my students' painting. They have been doing watercolors primarily and soon we switch to acrylic.

Cactus Fun

I don't know what to say about this painting. The canvas started out normal and as I was experimenting with some gloss gel medium, it became textured. I have washed over it with gesso at probably twice. This is an attempt of a cactus (barrell) for my cousin Linda. Since I am not talented enough to do the cactus justice realistically, I decided to do it abstract-ish. I'm positive that is not a word, but it describes this painting well.