
Showing posts from July, 2017

Commission Pineapple Painting

Working on a commission piece for a friend. This pineapple painting has been popular over the past few years. I love working with watercolor!First I lay down a base of yellow and then build up the colors from there. I bought quinacridone gold last year and have just now begun using it. It's beautiful. Anyway, here's my progress so far.

Fun with Acrylics

I've been fascinated with the acrylic pouring paintings on Instagram and have been working up my nerve to try them. I've watched a lot of youtube videos but there's nothing like getting your hands dirty and gaining experience. I tried a couple this past week and another today. SO FUN!!! I don't know how I could adapt this to the classroom, the mess would be outrageous, so I'm going to have to just enjoy this myself.

Starting Over

Greetings, So glad to be back!! I'm trying to resurrect this blog and commit to posting weekly. I will be teaching again this Fall (5 weeks away!), so I thought I would try to get in the habit of weekly posts before the class prep gets too busy. I've been trying to update my Etsy shop. If you haven't visited it yet, please take a look: I am also trying to update my instagram account every few days: @indigostreetstudio Thank you for stopping in. Here's a little of what I've been up to.